Tuesday, October 2, 2018


Happy Tuesday!
We had a full 4 periods in Room 208 this morning and were able to get SO much learning done! :)

In Math, we continued our work with multiples, learning "tricks" for how we can determine if a number is a multiple of 3 or 9. Please ask me to explain how I know 342 is a multiple of 2, 3 and 9. (It is also a multiple of 6, but we haven't learned that trick yet).

We also started to compare the multiples of a set of numbers to determine what multiples are in common. The smallest multiple in common is called the "plus petit commun multiple" (ppcm). We will continue to explore multiples and le ppcm in a variety of questions and word problems this week.

We ended out Math lesson with our first mental math assessment on the strategy "Coupe et colle les zéros." Mme Careen explained the steps of how we would be completing each assessment and then we got started. Please ask me how my first assessment went this morning!

In Français, we started with a "dictée" - a set of words that we should be able to spell by Grade 6. We will complete our dictée with a second set of words tomorrow. All Grade 6 students are completing the same task and Mme Careen (and the other teachers) will use the results to plan how to best support us in our French writing this year.

Finally, in Science we worked in our table groups to complete another sorting activity. Today we were sorting things we wear and had to come up with specific questions of how to divide the objects into specific groups. A few of the items were a bit challenging to sort, but through a lot of discussion with our groups we were able to figure it out! Bravo to all teams! :)

Agenda items:
1. Smudging forms due back ASAP
2. Picture order forms - due back October 4. (You can also order online).


  1. How did your first assessment go? Can you share your math trick?

  2. Hi Kristen,

    Thank you for your comment!

    The "trick" to determine whether or not a number in a multiple of 6, is to determine if the number is a multiple of both 2 AND 3. We know a number is a multiple of 2 if it is even, and we know a number is a multiple of 3 if the sum of its digits is a multiple of 3.

    Example: 342 is a multiple of 2, because it is even. It is also a multiple of 3 because 3+4+2 = 9 and 9 is a multiple of 3. 342 is therefore a multiple of 6 because it is a multiple of both 2 and 3.

    Thank you for following our learning journey!
    Have a great day! :)
