Monday, November 5, 2018


We have just finished our first round CFOO presentations and we are already showing that we are a promising group of public speakers!

What is CFOO, you ask?
CFOO (Le Club Fabuleux des Orateurs et Oratrices) is a public speaking "club" (similar to its English friend, TUSC) that will help students improve their oral French skills through short presentations. There are fifteen different presentation options, separated into three categories: Research, Opinion and Creativity. 
Our CFOO preparation and presentation periods alternate on Day 2, period 3.

For the first presentation, we chose one of the five Opinion options. We prepared a short oral presentation, fulfilling all of the criteria (listed on the page we have in our binder). Our presentations this time were mostly in the form of speeches, but they can also take on various other forms: a poster, a puppet play, a song, a poem, a painting, a PowerPoint, a movie, etc. - the possibilities are endless!


We discussed what we should keep in mind while making an oral presentation to the class and Mme Careen has the criteria written on a chart paper so we can review them before each CFOO session. Our list includes: keeping eye contact with the audience, speaking clearly and enunciating all of our words, projecting our voice and speaking at a good pace with expression.

Now that we have our first presentations under our belts, we will review as a class what went well and what we should work on for our next set of presentations. Our next CFOO work period will be next week - Tuesday, November 13, with the next set of presentations following on Wednesday, November 21.

Bravo à tous! :)

Agenda items!
1. Calcul mental assessment - tomorrow (Tuesday)
2. Français - les buts et tableau d'inspiration - Thursday
3. Remembrance Day assembly - Thursday at 10:30
(All families and community members are welcome)
4. Science Design Process (aliens) project  - Monday, November 12

*Mme Careen's room will be open over the noon hour all week for those who would like a place to work and/or need access to an iPad to finish their assignments.

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