Wednesday, December 5, 2018


Happy Wednesday, Room 208 friends!
We had a busy morning of learning together!

Today marked our first "Les chevaliers de la table ronde" session as a school. Twice a month we extend our homeroom time to: 1) spend time together as a homeroom, 2) come together as a whole school in the gym for a monthly assembly to celebrate our learning.

Today during "La table ronde" we started learning all about the brain.
We started by reading our Essential Understandings as a class and then watched this video to start of our lesson : Neuro Transmissions.

From there, referring to an online 3D Brain Model, we coloured and filled in our own brain diagrams, taking time to write down the different functions that are associated with each part. THIS website is a great place to explore!

In Math, we worked together in our randomized groups at the whiteboards to do a "Qui est l'intrus" activity. We originally saw this activity back in September, but revisited it with new pictures and 3 months of new Math knowledge in our brains! Many of us made great connections with the concepts and vocabulary we have been studying. Bravo à tous!

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* Report Cards Sent Home Today!*
1. Calcul Mental - Section B "Divise et Double" - tomorrow (Thursday)
2. Final edited draft of "La paix" poems - Friday
3. CFOO #3 - La recherche - Monday, December 10th.
4. December Scholastic Orders - due December 10 to ensure arrival before winter break
(Ordering online allows you to access not only the December flyer but previous flyers as well.)
Books make GREAT gifts!
5. Read!

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