Monday, January 28, 2019

Happy Monday!

What a great morning we had together!

In Mathé, after correcting our Calcul Mental sheet, we had a work period to finish up our graphing booklet and our Transformations art piece. A few of us were also introduced to the Math game, 
"Ninja Bed Bugs."

In Français, we took some time for daily reading and then had some class time to finish and review our Le Chandail de hockey resumés that we started on Friday. Most groups will be ready to share their resumés with each other during class tomorrow. Bravo!

Finally, in Science, we worked in our table teams to do a procedure (la méthode) writing activity for an experiment Mme Careen made up. Before starting, we discussed what a good procedure should include. Our list included: it should be in order, the steps should be numbered, the steps should be detailed and easy to understand/follow.

 We will have 10 minutes in class tomorrow to finish our procedures before Mme Careen tests them out to see if we were successful in writing out our directions. Wish us luck! :)

Before wrapping up this post with Agenda Items, I wanted to take a quick second to celebrate our band students who did a surprise "flash mob" style performance in the hall today right before lunch! 
What a FUN way to end the morning!
You can see the performance by clicking on the link below. (A BIG thanks to Mme Banks for catching this event on camera and sharing it with me so that I, in turn, could share it with you!)

Agenda items:
** Registration Forms sent home Friday! Please return as soon as possible! **
1. Calcul mental "Additionne de la gauche" Assessment - tomorrow (Tuesday)
2. Mathé - graphing booklet and transformations art project - Thursday
3. CFOO # 5 - Créativité - Monday, February 4th
4. Expo Science - Project titles due Monday, February 4th.

Have a great week! :)

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