Wednesday, February 13, 2019

100 DAY!

Today we celebrated the 100th day of school!

Congratulations to everyone on being 100 days smarter! :)

To celebrate, we started with an "Aimerais-tu" tournament. There were some pretty close votes, but in the end, we would rather have 100 minutes of éducation physique!

We then did an "Amazing Race" type challenge with different Math questions. 

 Many of us got stuck on Question #6, but once we got passed that one, 
we sailed all the way to the finish!

To finish off the morning, we did "Le défi de 100 secondes." How many push-ups and chair sits can you do in 100 seconds? How many times can you print your name or hop on one foot? After estimating our totals, we put ourselves to the test to see if our predictions were correct!
You can watch a few videos of us in in action HERE, HERE, HERE and HERE.

We ended the morning together with a quick group challenge. Each table group got to pick a category of their choice and then had 5 minutes to write 100 words that fell into their category. The categories chosen included: food, sports, names and animals.

Celebrating the 100th day of school is A LOT of work!

Félicitations to everyone for making the morning so fun!
Looking forward to 100 more great days of learning! :)

Agenda items:
**Please return registration forms as soon as possible! **
1. Limonade pour la lecture - Lemonade on sale tomorrow!
All proceeds go to children's reading programs at Cancer Care.
2. Science Design Process Experiments - students will no longer have class time to complete their project plans. All project plans are due tomorrow (Thursday).
3. Festival du Voyageur forms - due tomorrow (Thursday).
4. Calcul mental "Arrondis et ajuste" Section B - Tuesday
5. February Scholastic Orders - due Friday, February 22.
6. It's I 💚 to Read month! Please take time to read (in both French and English) every day!
Don't forget to fill out your reading log!
(Please see THIS POST for all upcoming J'aime Lire events)

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