Tuesday, March 12, 2019


Happy Tuesday!
We had a great morning of learning together!

We are busy preparing for our upcoming Celebration of Learning evening as well as finishing off a variety of tasks as we wrap up Term 2. Take a look at a few of the tasks we've been working on; we'll be able to share some of these with you Thursday evening! It's going to be great! :)

Working on a problem-solving question for our Term 2 reports.

Colouring a "secret" PEDMAS picture to help us master the order of operations.
It's also great practice for our basic Math facts, too!

More PEDMAS practice! We're getting ready to challenge our families on Thursday!
Who will complete the PEDMAS-popsicle-stick puzzles first?

Agenda items:
1. PEDMAS assessment - tomorrow (Wednesday)
2. Science - les cinq règnes assessment - Thursday
3. All late/missing work due Thursday by 12:45 at the very latest.
4. Celebration of Learning - Thursday 4:45 - 7:00
**Reminder that our room will be open at 4:45 but Mme Careen will not be there until approx. 5:15)
5. March Scholastic orders - due Wednesday, March 20

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