Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Tuesday, Tuesday

Hi, team!
Popping in with a quick look at what we were up to in Math this morning.

After Mme handed back our last 2 problem-solving questions we worked on in Term 2, we took time to celebrate what we are doing well and what are some things we can work on to further improve on the "communication and reasoning" portion of our problems.

We then got to work on a new problem. After reading the question together as a full class, we were divided into randomized groups of 2 or 3 for about 10 minutes of discussion time as to how we might approach solving this problem. During this time we discussed different strategies and perhaps even arrived at a solution. Some of us chose to work standing at the white boards while other groups chose to work on a small white board to collaborate.

After our talk-time was over, we headed back to our spots and got to work on writing out our work independently, being sure to keep all of the next-steps we discussed earlier in mind.

Great work this morning, everyone! :)

1. Pizza lunch this Thurdsay! 
$2.00 a slice - cheese or pepperoni.
Orders and money will be accepted tomorrow (Wednesday) morning.

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