Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Happy Tuesday!

Hello learning friends!
What a great morning of learning!

We started the day by putting Math and Art together to create a unique masterpiece of our names! Using a series of 100-grids, we coloured in the letters of our names and then calculated the percents, fractions out of 100 and decimal numbers for each letter.

In Français, we began writing the drafts of our Zamboni critiques. After having 4 minutes to do a "turn and talk" with our table groups, we had a block of 20 minutes to start planning and writing our texts. Tomorrow we will have time to complete our writing before we start revising and editing. Our goal is to have our work published by the end of next week. Wish us luck!

Agenda items:
1. "La table ronde" - tomorrow morning.
2. Talent show with proceeds going to Keira's Krusade - Thursday afternoon.

Have a great afternoon! :)

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