Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Les critiques de livre

Happy Wednesday, learning friends!

We were happy to welcome Mme Champagne to our classroom this morning for a Français 
lesson about book critiques.
After studying different book critique exemplars and going on a search in our own library to find a variety of examples, we were ready to tackle writing a critique on our own.

Working at the boards in randomized groups of 3, we had 15 minutes to write about Le chandail de hockey using the list of criteria and words/expressions we borrowed from other texts. Twice during our writing time we were stopped to receive additional writing challenges (ex: include the genre of the book, be sure to only have two sentences, use at least one word from our word wall) to ensure our critique draft would be as complete as possible at the end of our writing time.

Our next step will be to vote on one critique that will then become the starting point for our class shared write before we embark on writing our own Zamboni critiques independently. Wish us luck! :)

1. Misc due dates for items we've started in class, but will no longer have class time to complete:
Zamboni résumé - Now overdue
* Questions du film Les Pee Wee - Now overdue
*If the World Were a Village booklet - Now overdue
* Recherche les invertébrés - Now overdue
3. Ness gear on sale until TODAY (Wednesday)
4. CFOO #9 - Recherche - Monday, April 29

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