Tuesday, June 4, 2019


Happy Tuesday!
Today in Math, we started our Shape and Space unit. First on our list: regular and irregular polygons and how to calculate their perimeter.
After some class discussion, we worked in pairs to find the perimeter of a variety of different figures, and were able to deduce some handy shortcuts along the way!

In Français, we continue to work in our reader's theater groups and are getting closer to our presentation date! We are working hard at our word work and at reading our roles with expression.

Finally, in Science, we learned a bit about the history of hot air balloons and zeppelins. On our list for tomorrow: the infamous Hindenburg explosion! Stay tuned!

Agenda items:
1. Any students who did not present their CFOO speeches on Monday will present later this week.
2. All library books due back Friday, June 7.
3. All late/missing work from Term 3 due by Monday, June 10.

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